January 26, 2018

Reverse Crawl Review

Reverse Crawl is a turn based strategy combat game. Your goal is to take over the kingdom that was once yours by bringing back allies from the dead or making bonds with new and old ones.

Troop selection.
Gameplay is very simple, at the start of each battle you can choose what kind of troops you are summoning to control in a hex-grid field. You can only move, attack or guard until you get some other special command. The goal is to defeat all enemies before your own troops get defeated. Relying on strategy and spell casting to overpower your opponents is mandatory, as your own troops are not as strong as the heroes you face.

Battle grid.
The main progression happens through the story. After every chapter you get to chose between three adventures. On top of it you will be getting a new power, unit or spell that you can use in combat. Every successful combat gives you experience that you can then use for unlocking stronger powers and perks.

Overall Reverse Crawl is a corky story and not a bad game. The idea of being the dungeon still has strong untapped potential as the game is more about combat then "being the dungeon" yourself. There are a lot of UI improvements that could be made, and the number scaling does not enhance experience. That said, it is an indie game made by a single developer and definitely not a low standard to stand on. Specially when you always need to take into consideration unit weaknesses before deploying them. Could say it is kind of convoluted, but maybe that is not a bad thing for this kind of game.

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